Call for Paper and Submission. Year 5 No. 1/April, 2025


Human-centric approach to Artificial Intelligence

The Call Human-centric approach to Artificial Intelligence aims to bring together studies and reflections on the potential and risks of Artificial Intelligence (AI) developments. Artificial Intelligence (AI) is a very generic and broad concept encompassing various specific technologies, such as machine learning, neural networks and deep learning, applied to different fields of research, experimentation and scientific activities (from medicine to education, engineering to finance, etc.). Recent discussions on the possibility of somewhat unexpected or 'emergent' outcomes associated with AI have to do mainly with generative AI, with deep learning in neural networks (inspired by the structure of the human brain), as these refer to generic structures that do not incorporate predetermined rules or decision trees (or other tools such as genetic algorithms) but have to be trained on consistent data sets to eventually produce appropriate results (Higuera 2023).

The likelihood that incomplete and distorted information, fake news, and misinformation can backfire, producing a “magnification” effect through generative AI, can be unpredictable. Some, such as historian Yuval Noah Harari, believe that AI poses a danger because, by appropriating language and the ability to create stories, it could “hack” human civilisation and lead to its destruction (Harari 2023). The public and institutional discourse on these issues poses important questions to national and supranational legislation by reigniting the debate between preventive security needs, privacy rights, and risks of mass public surveillance. The growing expectations on artificial intelligence go hand in hand with a reduction of trust in human rationality, judged to be prey to emotions or 'weak thinking'- a 'limited rationality' incapable of dealing with complex situations (Ardigò 1988).

Starting from these premises, the Call Human-centric approach to Artificial Intelligence intends to stimulate a reflection on the challenges and risks in the developments of artificial intelligence, starting from a central question that guides the reasoning on these issues: what are the limits for its ecological and human sustainability? Therefore, the academic community is invited to submit contributions aimed at investigating, from an inter-, multi- and trans-disciplinary perspective, the ethical, social, cultural and economic implications for human security related to AI developments and applications, as well as the transformations and impacts on society, in particular on educational institutions, to safeguard the freedom and well-being of individuals and communities.

It also seems to be urgent to integrate this perspective with an appropriate ecological and ecosystemic awareness based on the interrelationships and interconnections between human communities and the ecosystems that guarantee their life, thus adopting a systemic perspective and complex thinking, i.e. capable of examining the reciprocity effects between all the co-evolutionary variables. The Call intends to delve into the topic of AI also to offer analyses and proposals that can steer towards processes of sharing and elaborating good practices, thanks to the contribution of scientific research from different fields: from philosophy to sociology, from history to political science, from law to economics, from education sciences to psychology, from medicine to life sciences, from anthropology to ethics and religions.


Considerations can be developed at different levels.

Starting from the panorama described so far, the proposed Special Issue intends to solicit scientific reflection on different declinations and applications of AI (Benanti 2022; Caporale, Palazzani 2023), compatible with a shared human-centred approach within the framework of a broad ethical debate (Floridi 2021, 2022; Ammanath 2022). It is also desirable to investigate the connection and intersection of the development and use of AI in the context of digital transformation in the field of medicine (e.g. with important developments for the prevention of oncological diseases through mapping with an algorithm - Vitali 2023) in the world of work (recent research by Goldman Sachs predicts a sharp reduction in working hours and the loss of jobs in about 2/3 of existing jobs - Mazza 2023), in the educational system, in the private and relational sphere, concerning changing lifestyles, to a holistic vision of community empowerment, to the challenges for integral ecology, aimed at putting the human person back at the centre of collective interests.

By way of non-exclusive example only, this Call will examine studies and research of a theoretical and empirical nature at the macro, meso and micro levels on the following possible thematic areas:
- systematic literature review of studies and research conducted on the topic of AI, concerning the human-centred approach;
- theoretical-critical contributions on the conceptual and philosophical foundations of AI;
- studies on the historical-legal developments of AI and the evolution of international, European and national regulations in the field of AI to establish governance and control in the field;
- contributions relating to the ethical implications and social perception of AI;
- studies on AI guidelines and policies and recommendations for AI investments and evaluation systems;

- studies on ethical, social and environmental implications brought about by the application of AI in the redefinition of work processes and in organisations;
- theoretical-critical reflections and/or empirical research on AI, well-being and the educational/organisational system;
- theoretical-critical reflections and/or empirical research on IA governance systems;
- theoretical-critical reflections and/or empirical research on IA, welfare, territory, organisations and communities;
- studies on the risks and impacts of the use of generative AI in the field of information, communication and education (disinformation, fake news, various forms of communication manipulation, conspiracy theories, etc.);
- studies on the implications in the field of security and defence (Farruggia 2023).

The submission must be accompanied by an indication of the section for which the contribution is being submitted and the Call referred to.
● Essays section
● Rubrics section

All Essays are submitted for refereeing through Double-Blind Peer Review.

It is strictly necessary for each submission to be accompanied by certain information that is essential for publication, namely:
● First and last names of the authors;
● Affiliation and/or institution of affiliation;
● Role held;
● Contact details of each author contributing to the Issue;
● Indication of the contact person.
Reference should also be made to both the deadlines indicated and the editorial rules, failure to comply with them will result in exclusion.

For abstract submission and for any information about this Call please write to:

and in copy to the editors:
● Marco Filoni:
● Filippo Maria Giordano:
● Giorgio Grimaldi:

Please write as object of the email: Call for Paper Year V, no. 1/ April, 2025. Human-centred approach to artificial intelligence

Papers will be submitted exclusively by registering the author on the online portal at the following link:
The Editorial Guidelines are available at the following link:


Italian, English


30 July 2024
● Abstract submission (max 500 words) in English and Italian;
● 5 keywords (in English and Italian)

10 August 2024
Confirmation of abstract acceptance

15 November 2024
Submission of papers

15 December 2024:
Notification of referee results

31 January 2025
Revisions and changes to papers

28 February 2024


To download the full text of the call: