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This is the official journal of the research centre Digital, Technologies, Education & Society of Link Campus University. It explores the complex relationships between information and communication technologies and the entire educational system, conceived as a single macro-system education-training-university-work-transition process.
The Community Notebook is oriented to the study and understanding of the cultural, social, organizational and educational complexity of our time ... read more


Call for Paper and Submission. Year 5 No. 2/August, 2025


The challenges and opportunities of evaluation: from theory to practice.

This thematic Special Issue aims to collect contributions focused on evaluation, in various sectors such as education, training and labour, with reference to both the policies defined and implemented at national, regional and local level and by the stakeholders involved, as well as the operational declinations and practices.

The topic of policy evaluation occupies an important role in the national and European agenda. With the awareness that it is possible to decline “evaluation” into specific activities that respond to different logics, this thematic edition aims to focus on what is common, i.e. the final objective: acquiring knowledge useful for finalizing the planning of future policies and actions.

If the evaluation activity responds to a constant need of knowledge, the question of the availability of resources and the contextual increase, particularly in some policy areas, of the number of interventions to be implemented, has made more and more pressing the need to acquire useful information, in order to better allocate the available resources, after having analyzed the quality of the interventions and the tools used for their implementation.

The centrality that the evaluation question is assuming, in increasingly differentiated areas of the country's life, the existence of multiple ways of understanding evaluation and the presence of even very heterogeneous practices, stimulate interest in the topic and make it the object of attention in many disciplinary fields.

This edition aims to collect both contributions with a theoretical approach and contributions with analysis of experiences in the fields of interest, with both qualitative and quantitative approaches.

Read more about Call for Paper and Submission. Year 5 No. 2/August, 2025

Current Issue

No. 3 (2023): Reinventing University: The Digital Challenge In Higher Education
					View No. 3 (2023): Reinventing University: The Digital Challenge In Higher Education

"Reinventing University: The Digital Challenge In Higher Education" is a collection of papers which navigates the multifaceted intersections between technology and higher education, offering a timely exploration of the challenges and opportunities that define the contemporary academic landscape.

The digital challenge in higher education is not merely a technological shift; it is a transformative force that is reshaping the very essence of academic practices. As we stand at the confluence of tradition and innovation, this special issue serves as a repository of insights, ideas, and innovations, each carefully curated by the D-ChallengHE Scientific Board.

These contributions delve into the complexities of reinventing universities in the digital age, addressing the critical themes that resonate across the academic spectrum.

Published: 2024-02-28


  • Editorial

    Stefania Capogna, Ligita Šimanskienė, Erika Župerkienė


  • University teachers data literacy for pedagogical decision making

    Aleksandra Batuchina, Julija Melnikova
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.61007/QdC.2023.3.149


  • Digital pharmacology

    Gianluca Della Puppa
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.61007/QdC.2023.3.155


  • Digital innovations as the basis for the implementation of the Concept for the development of T-shaped skills in higher education

    Ligita Simanskiene, Erika Zuperkiene, Halyna Mishenina
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.61007/QdC.2023.3.152
  • The Shifting Paradigm of “Onlife Learning” in European Higher Education Institutes (HEIs): A Case of Working-Life Competence Development Best Practices

    Paresh Rathod, Pasi Kämppi
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.61007/QdC.2023.3.156
  • Self-assessment in vet and higher education: links and further developments

    Laura Evangelista, Concetta Fonzo
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.61007/QdC.2023.3.157
  • Evaluation of Universities QoS using Fuzzy Cognitive Maps

    Perivolaris Panagiotis, Stylianakis Vassilis
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.61007/QdC.2023.3.158
  • The impact of digitalisation in scientific research: risks, opportunities and ethical challenges

    Maria Chiara De Angelis
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.61007/QdC.2023.3.159
  • Modernity and Identity processes on the light of the diffusion of new digital technologies

    Giuliana Parente
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.61007/QdC.2023.3.161
  • L’impatto della pandemia sui comportamenti rischio dei giovani: le challenge rischiose

    Patrizio Pastore, Gerarda Grippo
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.61007/QdC.2023.3.162
  • Le “destinazioni educative” della Generazione X: risultati e disuguaglianze in una prospettiva generazionale

    Orazio Giancola, Matteo Bonanni
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.61007/QdC.2023.3.163

In-Depth Analysis

  • Guidelines and Recommendations for Academic Bodies within the Framework of the Erasmus+ Project ECOLHE

    Luca Torchia
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.61007/QdC.2023.3.164
  • Nuove competenze e loro certificazione: sviluppi in Europa e in Italia

    Fulvio Oscar Benussi
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.61007/QdC.2023.3.165
  • Recensione del manuale Understanding Organizational Culture

    Francesca Greco
    DOI: https://doi.org/10.61007/QdC.2023.3.166
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